Friday, July 6, 2018

Naked and Afraid.

Naked and Afraid is the name of a TV show I was watching on the Discovery Channel. I know, why am I watching TV right now?

I don't have TV (except for streaming) and I was fascinated with this show (def fascinated with survival shows in general). There was a young woman / young man - maybe 30's - they were naked and in the Amazon jungle. I missed the beginning of the show - so had no idea why they were naked - especially in the Amazon. I tuned in at day 3 - they had to make it to day 21. They were just building a shelter, trying to create fire, and needed to find food (fyi...their private parts were blurred). The bugs, the rain, the weather were severe. I watched these two struggle - I mean really struggle. And when I learned the name of the show Naked and Afraid - understood it was the purpose of the show to be stripped down bare to see if you survive.

The two pulled together as a team and they did make it. They lost 1/3 of their body weight tho, had to endure intense bug bites, eat grubs, endure extreme hunger etc. etc. They really pushed through some rough harshness to make it. There was a brief video on them after being home...the woman was hiking with her dogs and made mention of how she can easily get through life after going through that harshness. And the guy, well he was in the hospital being treated for Malaria - I'm sure not the outcome he expected.

A few things occurred to me - why in the world would you ever want to put yourself through that -  just to be grateful where you are now in life? (I wonder if given the chance - would they repeat their experience?) I can't believe they made a TV show about this and I'm watching it. And finally, what am I really afraid of?

Right now - it would have to be breaking down and not knowing where I am. 

Taming your fears is a challenge, for sure.
"If you're feeling regret - you're living in the past. If you're anxious - you're living in the future. To be present - is the gift." - as heard recently via Don Woodworth 

The motorcycle ride is all about the present. As a planner - all I think about is the future. To let that go - is very hard. I'm trying. And really working on this.

Getting ready for this trip used up a great many of my reserves. Trying to plan for every possible outcome is hard work. And riding in the extreme heat and humidity, well that used the last of my reserves. Yesterday (day 2) was a very short day in the saddle. I had to pull over. I'm at a hotel in Webster NY - and decided to stay another day (day 3). Just so I can rest. I'm exhausted.

The heat has lifted today and it is sunny and gorgeous. I should be riding today and taking advantage of this riding weather - just like I planned several days ago when I saw the heat would lift. But I can not. I'm being tested right now to just let go. Let God.

Maybe I could start my own TV show - Naked and Afraid. Rachel rides her motorcycle naked to Colorado. What could possibly happen on that show? Ha!

I've scheduled 30 days out of the office. I could be anywhere right now. So I think I'll just take it easy today and see where the wind blows me tomorrow. Could be just where I am today, in this gift - the present.

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