Saturday, July 28, 2018

Training. All the time.

As seen in my BMW Owner's News Magazine. That motorcycle picture looks very comfortable to me. Love the set up, the gear, the reddish road and the possibilities that are ahead. 

Tomorrow morning sets the beginning of another adventure...Rawhyde Training Center in Colorado for some off-road training.

Off-road scares the living daylights out of me. Definitely due to my little mishap last year, like when I totally lost control of the motorcycle and both it and me went sliding down on the ground. I was very lucky and so was the bike. That moment of losing control continues to replay in my mind - over and over. I was climbing an incredibly (very incredibly) steep hill of gravel, there was water damage on the hill - like when you see deep ruts/ trenches created from too much rain. It seems I was so focused on it that I couldn't see anything else (and visions of getting the front wheel stuck in a rut was not a calming thought in the moment but the only thing that filled my mind). And then I went off the side of the road to come back on and then I just slid, off the bike and the bike was on it's side. Not a feel good so it was a no brainer to stay away from anything off-road. Which is kind of funny because Colorado is home to off-road riding...not only on motorcycles but jeeps too. I was in the capital of jeep country - Ouray (you-ray), Colorado.

At the Des Moines rally, I attended a presentation on "top 10 tips for touring". It was an excellent session - I learned a lot. Out of the top 10 tips, I was very pleased to hear that I had incorporated/and have been using 6 or 7 of the tips. When the presenter / guide mentioned - everyone should take an off-road training course, even if you never plan to off-road, as the skills you learn will serve you anywhere you go. That's all I needed to hear and I signed up for my class - the one in the ad.

I'm nervous and a whole lot excited.

Also, I will be someplace for 3 nights - a luxury these days. I am grateful.

My supplies (food) are starting to dwindle - which is good. I brought a few too many things (clothes) - some of which I already sent home in a box. I may need to ship more home. I decided to ship my motorcycle and catch a flight out of Denver. I wanted maximum time in Colorado - to ride home would be another 5 - 7 days easily. I wanted that time now. Everything that is stored on my bike needs to come with me or be shipped via UPS.

If I had a another month to be on the road - what possibilities could have occurred?
Something to think about for the next trip.

The time had come a few days ago to make plans for the flight home. I was at the last possible day to secure a good rate.

Will try to take some good pics along the way and of course at the Rawhyde Off Road Training.

Living life to the fullest...each day.

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