Thursday, July 12, 2018

4 Story Walk Up

When you are driving on the highway reaching 80 miles per hour, it is truly not the ideal time to ask yourself...did I lock the top case, did I secure my bag down correctly, oh shoot - I forgot to attach the e-z pass, did I close the loop on my helmet, am I wearing the right layers, did I zip up my tank bag...yes, it's all akin to - did I leave the coffee pot on syndrome.

Each day I get a little bit better at the launching to ride routine.

While on this trip I wanted a break from my routine at home. Which needed a bit of a freshener.
Things I want to accomplish:
- Meditate in the morning
- Yoga stretching
- Start writing again
- Carb and sugar sabbatical
- Alcohol sabbatical
- Take my daily vitamins/supplements
- Meet my next girlfriend
- Have some vacation and get a break from work mind
- Feel free
- Get some rest
- And feel the awesomeness when approaching the top of an open road in Colorado and viewing the Rockies for the first time in person. This is the real impetus for my trip - this feeling of vastness, greatness and the majestic beauty of the mountains.

So each day I get a little better at the above list too. I am finally starting to feel rested. I have meditated and have done yoga stretching. Doing really great with my food/drink sabbaticals and I even had a small break from work mind. I noticed today on my ride that I was in a complete zen mind mode on the motorcycle. Like when you come back to consciousness and say, where was I? That felt great. Happened twice on the highway. Truly incredible meditation.

The 4 Story Walkup:
When you have an open map and no place that you need to be...Where do you go? What do you do?The beginning of my trip, I was spending hours pouring over a map - where should I go? what should I do? where will I stay? how many miles should / can I do? It was way too much time and energy spent on deciding where to go next. So it was kind of by accident that I happened upon the Hampton Inn Hotels. It was my first stay in Webster, NY and I simply loved it. It was clean, the staff were happy, the bed was really comfortable, there was breakfast (and cookies), it was in a decent location, and it was a real value. I joined Hilton Honors - the rewards program as I noticed right away there are perks and figured going home to a familiar hotel would be an important part of my trip. Then the trip planning got a bit easier as I'd find a town with a Hampton Inn and go to it. We all need a little direction sometimes and a place to land.

I'm at my 3rd Hampton Inn and when I arrived, the elevator was broken. The only room left was on the 4th floor. Yes, we negotiated a fabulous rate and loved the fact that I got some exercise in! I really needed it. The added bonus - washer and dryer.

It's been a wonderful stay.

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