Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Road trip is ON!

There comes a point in the drive when you reach THAT point and just have to say...Road Trip!
And you know you are out there when you don't recognize the license plates anymore.

Made it to Joliet, Illinois via Indiana. Tomorrow Des Moines, Iowa. All highway tomorrow - it's about the miles and just getting there (300 more to go). May head over to the campground early and see if I can volunteer before the BMW Motorcycle Owners Association Rally. Over 7000 are expected to attend.

Oh, and I gained an hour. Love gaining time.

Update: Made it Altoona, Iowa.
I crossed the Mississippi River yesterday (Tuesday). And reached over 300 miles today. I like the morning drive and getting off the road in the early afternoon. This heat - yesterday reached over 92 and the day before saw the temp gauge reach 95. It is really f-cking hot and while you're riding the cycle - you need to stay alert and be aware. Look out for one of my next posts...what it's like riding a motorcycle and what goes on.

My favorite state welcoming sign has to be from Iowa: "The people of Iowa welcome you. Fields of opportunity."

So far - crossed through Pennsylvania, Indiana, Illinois and now Iowa. I will be here for 5 days.

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