Friday, July 13, 2018

Tenting It.

So I did extend out the hotel through the's really hot, it's supposed to rain, and truth be told - I was really unsure what I'd find at the Iowa State Fairgrounds and what the tenting situation would look like. So I hedged the options - went to grab a site and held onto the hotel room. Not ideal - but hey, why not.

I made it over to the fairgrounds - registered - and promptly set up my tent. I met Todd - who has been there since Tuesday night and he was sitting on a bench - waiting. Waiting for arrivals to  watch everyone set up their tent. He was really funny - and took some pics while I set up camp. Turns out - was unable to cancel my hotel reservation for tonight but will move out of the hotel tomorrow morning (Thursday) and become a fixture at camp. Signed up to volunteer tomorrow morning selling some charity tickets - great way to meet peeps. Just being around so many BMW motorcyclists is kind of amazing...will post more pics when I can.

Found a nice shady spot.

Had to add those guy lines!

Mattress pad.

Found the fish! Ha. Todd brought this on his bike. BTW, check out the rig in the back right - they have an air conditioner!

Love seeing all these motorcycles.

Just getting started with the tents. It will get larger!

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