Monday, July 16, 2018

Scenes From The Rally

Bringing people together to create community is one of the most important things we can do. I love being a part of this community. I've met some of the nicest people - and where ever I went - I made some new friends. Some random shots from around the rally....

Todd was my welcoming committee. He was a really fun guy and a highlight for me.

There were about 4600 people at the rally!

I volunteered to sell 50/50 raffles. Was a great way to meet peeps and raise some money for a children's cancer charity. 

The irony...had to walk around a mostly male rally asking for a screw - it was missing from my hand guard Ha! I did find one. 

I parked next to 2 twin bikes. Later on, I met the owners - who turn out to be twins too - Rick and Ron. It was truly by coincidence that they bought the same color bike. 

She was very cool. She was facilitating a women's meet and greet session. It was a good turn out and a wonderful opportunity for women to network and ask any question! Fun.

Holly is 73 and she has travelled all over the world. She mostly travels solo and loves it. Really loved meeting her and hearing about her tips for travel. Especially one in Europe. I'm on it.

Just when I thought I haven't seen another bike like mine, I found this one. Each bike is special.

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