Friday, July 26, 2013

"Bee In Her Bonnet"

This is my helmet. It is a full face helmet and I must say, I love it. This is usually how it looks when I ride. I do get hit with many things, usually bugs. And when I do, I always say, thank you shield.  

This is how it looks when riding with the shield up. Every once in awhile I ride this when I'm off the highway or near a stop sign, in essence, when I'm going slow. We were riding on Route 101 South, the Pacific Coast Highway. It was extraordinarily beautiful. We are high in elevation, the road is curvy and lots of turns, the Pacific Ocean is out to my right. So I figured I would ride with my shield up. 

Then it happened. I got pelted by a bug on my right cheek. It wouldn't have been a big deal except I started to think, what happened to the bug? Did it pop out? Then I knew what happened when I saw the largest bee (confirmed with yellow and black stripes and large wings) start to crawl in my mouth piece (the front of the helmet). 

I was the lead rider and I was on a "freakin" mountainside in the midst of major curves looking anxiously for a place to pull over (what seemed liked hours was probably just minutes). I parked my bike so fast, got off the bike even quicker and took off the helmet. Yes, it flew away and both of us were unharmed.

One of the guys said, "what happened"? And the other replied, "She had a bee in her bonnet".  

Needless to say, I'm a bit gun shy to ride with my visor up. And needless to say, the guys have a very good sense of humor.

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