Sunday, July 28, 2013 certainly is G R A N D!

This is my second time to the Grand Canyon and it was just as spectacular as the first. If you haven't been - you must go.   L O V E.

9:37 pm

My sense of time has really changed. What used to be measured in minutes and hours is now miles. It’s all about the miles. We traveled X miles to here and there. How many miles to the next stop? That is the new measurement of time. It doesn't matter how many hours to lunch, just the miles we need to go.

Yesterday, we traveled over 546 miles and today 561 miles. This is the longest I have been in the “saddle” each day. We are losing an hour in each time zone and we are now down two hours (almost back to eastern standard time). But it really doesn't's not about the hours, it's about the miles. And we made it through New Mexico, Texas and at the very end of Oklahoma. Tomorrow, Arkansas then Tennessee.

So what's up with 9:37 pm? It seems Rich bought a watch a number of years ago (he was on a special trip and splurged). The watch is meaningful to him and now it's meaningful to both Mike and me. Ever since Rich bought the watch, the alarm rings every night at 9:37 pm EST. He has no idea how to stop it. And truthfully, I don't want to stop it. Each night we hear it, it makes us laugh and every so often, Rich shares the story of how he bought the watch.

9:37 pm will always be a special time.


This is the irony of the motorcycle trip. Moving forward yet we need to stop frequently.
Did you know, there is no reverse on our motorcycles?

And there is movement in a stop. I've seen it.
Or put another way, there is movement in stillness.
Movement is all around yet do we notice?

Friday, July 26, 2013


Is a very large state. It was also very hot. I didn't see my twin Rory and my nephews Lucien and Satchel. 'Nuff said.

"Bee In Her Bonnet"

This is my helmet. It is a full face helmet and I must say, I love it. This is usually how it looks when I ride. I do get hit with many things, usually bugs. And when I do, I always say, thank you shield.  

This is how it looks when riding with the shield up. Every once in awhile I ride this when I'm off the highway or near a stop sign, in essence, when I'm going slow. We were riding on Route 101 South, the Pacific Coast Highway. It was extraordinarily beautiful. We are high in elevation, the road is curvy and lots of turns, the Pacific Ocean is out to my right. So I figured I would ride with my shield up. 

Then it happened. I got pelted by a bug on my right cheek. It wouldn't have been a big deal except I started to think, what happened to the bug? Did it pop out? Then I knew what happened when I saw the largest bee (confirmed with yellow and black stripes and large wings) start to crawl in my mouth piece (the front of the helmet). 

I was the lead rider and I was on a "freakin" mountainside in the midst of major curves looking anxiously for a place to pull over (what seemed liked hours was probably just minutes). I parked my bike so fast, got off the bike even quicker and took off the helmet. Yes, it flew away and both of us were unharmed.

One of the guys said, "what happened"? And the other replied, "She had a bee in her bonnet".  

Needless to say, I'm a bit gun shy to ride with my visor up. And needless to say, the guys have a very good sense of humor.

Monday, July 22, 2013

Another Chronicle Update

Wanted to share the latest update to my favorite local newspaper, The Chronicle.  Click on the link below to see the article.  Hope you enjoy it.

Chronicle Motorcycle Story

Thursday, July 18, 2013

The next generation...

There is hope...When I meet engaging, fascinating and hard working young women - I am filled with more hope that our futures are brighter than we may think.
(Father and daughter - Jim / Katie)
(Getting the morning download)

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Crater Lake

Carmen mentioned "you must go". When Mike's brother Jim suggested we go - I jumped in- Yes! 
Incredible beauty...a national park by the way!


I keep looking in the mirrors on my motorcycle...wishing I could capture a picture of what I see. (It's impossible to drive and hold my iphone at the same time.) Usually what I see are Rich and Mike. Today I was in the sweep position for a bit and it was the mountains, blue sky, and good memories (just newly minted).

More down time...

Took a day off from the motorcycle. I took this photo sometime in the evening...the sky stays so light and vibrant in the west. Travel is good for the soul.

Down time...

I have had some down time....Sunday we drove into Portland, OR and visited with my college roommate Carmen. Incredible to see her and her partner, Josh. They treated me (us) like royalty. It was a gift to see her again.  

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Saturday, July 13, 2013


You know...'ve traveled far when you actually see it in writing.  

The sign behind it says 795 miles to Las Vegas.  We are closer to the west coast now. Did I happen to mention, we're on a Road Trip!

Yellowstone National Park

Driving through this national park was pure joy and beauty.  

An update...

This was the latest update from last week.  Working on another.  This motorcycle riding is hard work.  And I really love hard work.  It's true, it's very rewarding.

Click on the link below to see the story in my favorite local newspaper, The Chronicle.

Chronicle Story Update

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Badlands in South Dakota

I really love South Dakota.  We drove through the Badlands Park...beautiful.

How to get a head...


And there you have it...GW's profile.  We did get to see the full on Mt. Rushmore.  We did get off the bikes to take the picture and the sun was such that I couldn't take it.  I didn't need to go into the park, there were long lines and it's hot (approaching 90 degrees).  I was happy with the profile shot. And then the below.  

I really can not believe I am riding the motorcycle and to Mt. Rushmore.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Special Places...

Rich loves the Cracker Barrel (CB) restaurant.  And truth be told, I have never been to one.  We plugged the address into the GPS and went today.  Turns out there is only one CB in South Dakota.  Mike and I asked Rich what do you usually order?  And he replied, "there is only one thing I order, it's the meatloaf".  The three of us had meatloaf today for our lunch/dinner.  And I must say, it was pretty good.  And I have this feeling, it was pretty good all because of Rich.  

Corn, Corn and More Corn

When in Rome, eat like the Romans.  We were in Iowa and Minnesota today and corn is everywhere.  Mike asked, "have you ever tried these before?"  I haven't and they were actually kind of a salt and crunchy kind of way.  (I also tried the Red Bull too...and we'll just leave it that).   

Let the River Flow...(the spiritual river flow)

“A woman in harmony with her spirit is like a river flowing. She goes where she will without pretense and arrives at her destination prepared to be herself and only herself.”

~ Maya Angelou ~

A special someone emailed this to me today and it made me smile large.  Little did she know, the above picture was taken this morning and I must say, the river is flowing.  Thank you Amy, you made my heart smile today. 

Time and space...

Will try to post some pics and more stories.  The thing is this...when on the motorcycle, we are passing some of the most beautiful scenery and it's impossible to take a picture of what we just saw.  Then we stop for gas, a stretch, and some water and now I have time for a picture - except this could be anywhere!  We are in Iowa right now and making our way to South Dakota.

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Sun and the coast

Getting on the road early and driving the coast from Alpena, MI to Luddington, MI.  If you look on a map - they may be right across the "street" from each other.  We're gonna take the long way (up north and around to the south) and take in the sights and the water.  It's our first day of no rain.  (fingers crossed)